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German Literature


Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
Her picture was on the German 20-mark bill, but the Westphalian poetess died virtually unknown in 1848. Find out more about this interesting author and her works.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A short biography, books, and links for the king of German literature.

Günter Grass
A short biography, books, and links for the Nobel Prize winning author and artist.

Hermann Hesse
A short biography, books, and links for this German/Swiss Nobel Prize winning author and artist. Hesse was born in Germany (Baden-Württemberg) but became a Swiss citizen in 1924. Author of Siddhartha, Der Steppenwolf, and Das Glasperlenspiel.

Erich Kästner: The Famous Unknown Author
One of Germany's least fully understood authors, Kästner was much more than just the writer of children's books, for which he is best known. If not for Disney ("The Parent Trap," "Emil and the Detectives"), Kästner would probably be totally unknown in the English-speaking world.

Heinrich Mann
A short biography, books, and links for this German writer. Heinrich Mann was born in Lübeck in 1871. Author of Professor Unrat (Blue Angel).

Thomas Mann
A short biography, books, and links for this German Nobel Prize-winning author. Thomas Mann was born in Lübeck in 1875. Author of Buddenbrooks, Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain), and Der Tod in Venedig (Death in Venice).

Karl May
Although this German writer of adventure tales set in the American Wild West never saw that part of the world himself, his over 80 novels and short stories set there and in other "exotic" locales have been popular reading for decades, making him the bestselling German author of all time.

Friedrich Nietzsche
A short biography, books and links for the author/philosopher.

Ludwig Uhland
A short biography, poetry and links for this lawyer, politician, researcher and poet from Tübingen.

Kurt Tucholsky
A short Kurt Tucholsky biography, books, and Web links.

Info about studying German language:

  • Learn German in Austria: Young and dynamic agency born with the aim of connecting schools and students from all over the world. Find here more information about German language schools and German language courses in Austria.

Info about studying in German countries:

  • Guide to Study in Austria: Find universities and colleges in Austria. It offers also pratical information for students that are planning to study in Austria.